vrijdag 20 maart 2009

How do I Create an installation flash drive for Windows 7

How do I Create an installation flash drive for Windows 7
click the Start button and type cmd in the instant search bar.
Right-click on the cmd entry that appears above in the window and select Run as Administrator
Type diskpart (and waite for the >-prompt )
Type List Disk, to find your USB key. In this case, it is Disk1.
Type Select Disk 1
Type Clean , for cleaning the flash key
Type Create Partition Primary
Type Active , to mark the disk as active
Type Format FS=Fat32

Now you can copy over the installation files of Windows 7
(Boot-Map ; efi-Map; sources-Map; support-Map; upgrade-Map; autorun.inf; bootmgr and setup.exe
You should log into your BIOS settings to make sure booting from USB is available.
Finally, start your laptop/desktop and select from which boot device you want to load the operating system.
In this example, I will choose the USB 4GB SanDisk,

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