donderdag 29 januari 2009

IE7 shortcutkeys

1.) Ctrl + T - Opens a new tab in the foreground.

2.) Ctrl + Click - Opens links in a new tab in the background.

3.) Ctrl + Shift + Click - Opens links in a new tab in the foreground.

4.) Alt + Enter - Opens a new tab from the address bar.

5.) Alt + Enter - It also opens a new tab from the search box.

6.) Ctrl + Q - Opens up quick tabs, which are thumbnail views.

7.) Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Allows you to switch between tabs.

8.) Ctrl + N - Switches to a specific tab number. In this case, N can equal anything between the numbers one and eight.

9.) Ctrl + 9 - Switches to the last tab.

10.) Ctrl + W - Closes the current tab.

11.) Ctrl + Alt + F4 - Closes other open tabs.

12.) Alt + F4 - Closes all the tabs.

Now, here are a few mouse shortcuts for you as well!

1.) Click the middle mouse button (if your mouse has one) on a link and it will open up that link in a background tab for you.

2.) Double click any empty space right next to the last tab you have open and it will open up a brand new tab.

3.) If you click on the middle mouse button on one of your tabs, it will close the tab for you.

dinsdag 27 januari 2009

Calculate Age

=IF(DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"y")<10," ","") & DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"y") & " years, "
& IF(DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"ym")<10," ","") & DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"ym") & " months,
" & IF(DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"md")<10," ","") & DATEDIF($A2,NOW(),"md") & " days"

maandag 26 januari 2009


MKR 28ja09 / 999€
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400
3GB Ram
500 GB HD
NVIDIA Geforce 9200M GS 256 MB, HDMI & e-SATA