maandag 30 juni 2008
donderdag 26 juni 2008
batterijen; knoopcel; overzicht; afmetingen
Zink-koolstof (ZnC) standaard toepassingen met normaal verbruik (zaklamp,klok en speelgoed)
Alkaline-Mangaan (AlMn) toepassingen met hoog verbruik (draagbare audio-apparatuur)
Lithium(Li) toegepassingen met zeer hoog verbruik (foto-apparatuur)
Hoogspanning toegepast in afstandbedieningen
Oplaadbare batterijen
Nikkel-Cadmium (NiCd) toepassingen met hoog verbruik (draagbare audioapparatuur,modelbouw)
Nikkel-Metaal-Hydride (NiMH) toepassing met zeer hoog verbruik (digitale fotocamera’s)
Lithium (Li) toepassingen waar lange levensduur vereist is (rekenmachines,databanken)
Zilveroxide (AgO) toegepast in horloges
Alkaline toegepast in rekenmachines,klokken enz.
Zink-lucht toegepast in gehoorapparaten
Batterij naam spanning afmetingen Zink-koolstof Alkaline Lithium Hoogsp
Lady N 1,5 V 12 x 30 (Ø x h) UM-5 AM5/LR1
Speciaal AAAA 1.5 V 8 x 40 (Ø x h)
Potlood AAA 1.5 V 11 x 45 (Ø x h) UM-4/R03 AM-4/LR03
Penlite AA 1.5 V 14 x 51 (Ø x h) UM-3/R6 AM-3/LR6
Baby C 1.5 V 26 x 60 (Ø x h) UM-2/R14 AM-2/LR14
Mono D 1.5 V 33 x 62 (Ø x h) UM-1/R20 AM-1/LR20
Plat 4.5 V 67 x 62 x 22 (l x b x h) LR12
Blok 6 V 100 x 67 x 67 (l x b x h) 4R25
Blok 9 V 49 x 26 x 16 (l x b x h) AM-6
Foto batterij 6 V 34 x 17 x 45 2 CR 5
Foto batterij 6 V 34 x 19.5 x 36 CP-P2
Foto batterij 3 V 17 x 17 x 33.4 CR-123A
Foto batterij 3 V 15.6 x 15.6 x 27 CR 2
Foto batterij 3 V 52 x 28 x 14 CR V3
Foto batterij 3 V 11.6 x 10.8 (Ø x h) CR-1/3N
Foto batterij 15 V 16 x 35 (Ø x h) V 74 PX
Foto batterij 6 V 13 x 25.2 (Ø x h) V 4034 PX
Foto batterij 6 V 13 x 25.2 (Ø x h) V 28 PXL
Foto batterij 6 V 13 x 25 (Ø x h) 2CR-1/3N
Hoogspanning 12 V 10 x 28 (Ø x h) 23 A
Hoogspanning 12 V 7.7 x 28 (Ø x h) 27 A
Hoogspanning 6 V 13 x 25.2 (Ø x h) 476 A
Hoogspanning 9 V 7.7 x 21.4 (Ø x h) 25 A
Batterij naam spanning afmetingen Capaciteiten NICAD Capaciteiten NiMH
Lady (N) 1,2 V 12 x 30 (Ø x h) 150/180
Potlood (AAA) 1.2 V 11 x 45 (Ø x h) 250/300 500/700/750
Penlite (AA) 1.2 V 14 x 51 (Ø x h) 600/700/750/800/1000 1100/1300/1400/
Baby (C) 1.2 V 26 x 60 (Ø x h) 1800/2000/2400 2200/2600/3000/
Mono (D) 1.2 V 33 x 62 (Ø x h) 4000/5000 2200/3000/5000/
Blok 9 V 49 x 26 x 16 (l x
b x h)
120/150 120/150/160/170/
Batterij naam spanning Type aanduiding Afmetingen Ø x h mAh
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1216 12 X 1.6 25
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1220 12 X 2 38
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1225 12 X 2.5 48
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1616 16 X 1.6 50
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1620 16 X 2 68
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1632 16 X 3.2 125
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2016 20 X 1.6 80
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2025 20 X 2.5 170
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2032 20 X 3.2 235
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2320 23 X 2 150
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2325 23 X 2.5 190
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2430 24.5 X 3 285
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2450N 24.7 X 5 540
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR2477N 24.7 X 7.7 950
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR927 9.4 X 2.5 30
Lithium knoopcel 3 V CR1025 10 X 2.5 30
Lithium knoopcel 1.55 V V 76 PX 11.6 X 5.4 145
Lithium knoopcel 1.5 V V 625 U 15.5 X 5.9 180
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 301/SR43SW/SB-A8 11.6 X 4.2 120
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 309/SR754SW 7.9 X 5.4 80
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 315/SR716SW/SB-AT 7.9 X 1.6 19
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 317/SR516SW/SB-AR 5.8 X 1.6 12
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 319/SR527SW 5.8 X 2.7 21
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 321/SR616SW 6.8 X 1.6 14
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 329/SR731SW 7.9 X 3.1 40
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 335/SR512SW 5.8 X 1.2 5
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 339 6.8 X 1.4 11
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 341/SR714SW 7.9 X 1.4 14
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 344/SR1136SW 11.6 X 3.6 100
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 346/SR712SW 7.9 X 1.2 10
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 357/SR44W/SB-B9 11.6 X 5.4 190
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 362/SR721SW 7.9 X 2.1 23
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 364/SR621SW/SBAG-DG 6.8 X 2.1 20
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 366/SR1116SW 11.5 X 1.6 40
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 370/SR920W/SB-BN 9.5 X 2.1 38
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 371/SR920SW/SB-AN 9.5 X 2.1 38
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 373/SR916SW/SBAJ-DJ 9.5 X 1.7 29
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 377/SR626SW/SB-AW 6.8 X 2.6 28
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 379/SR521SW/SBAC-DC 5.8 X 2.1 16
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 381/SR1120SW/SBAS-DS 11.6 X 2.1 50
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 384/SR41SW/SBA1-D1 7.9 X 3.6 45
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 386/SR43W/SB-B8 11.6 X 4.2 130
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 389/SR1130W/SB-BU 11.6 X 3.1 80
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 390SR1130SW/SB-AU 11.6 X 3.1 80
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 391/SR1120W/SB-BS 11.6 X 2.1 50
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 392/SR41W/SB-B1 7.9 X 3.6 45
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 393/SR754W/SB-B3 7.9 X 5.4 80
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 394/SR936SW/SB-A4 9.5 X 3.6 84
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 395/SR927SW/SBAP-DP 9.5 X 2.6 55
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 396/SR726W/SB-BL 7.9 X 2.6 32
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 397/SR726SW/SB-AL 7.9 X 2.6 32
Zilveroxyde knoopcel 1.5 V 399/SR927W/SB-BP 9.5 X 2.6 55
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG1 6.8 x 2.1
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG3 7.9 x 3.6
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG4 6.7 x 2.4
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG8,LR1120,G8,RW40, 130/523 11.6 x 2.1 25
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG10,LR1130,G10,RW49,122/544/W
11.6 x 3.1 50
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG12,LR43/RW84/V12GA 11.6 x 4.2 80
Alkaline knoopcel 1.5 V AG13,LR44/RW82/V13GA 11.6 x 5.4 120
Zink-lucht knoopcel 1.4 V ZA10,DA230,PR70 5.8 X 3.6 80
Zink-lucht knoopcel 1.4 V ZA312,312AP,312HPX,
7.9 X 3.6 150
Zink-lucht knoopcel 1.4 V ZA13,13AP,13HPX,
7.9 X 5.4 270
Zink-lucht knoopcel 1.4 V ZA675,PRX675A,PR44,
11.6 X 5.4 610
dinsdag 24 juni 2008
Change Owner Name of your computer
double click REGISTEREDOWNER and change Name.
close registry editor and look for My COMPUTER: The name is changed in the newone.
Inloggen omzeilen in Windows XP en Vista.
druk je op START en klik je op UITVOEREN.
Klik op OK, en vul dan in het popupschermpje je gebruikersnaam en je wachtwoord in. Vanaf dan gaat je
computer bij het opstarten rechtstreeks naar je bureaublad.
maandag 23 juni 2008
Vista's Cache; Temp; Cookies; History Location
Windows Vista, most of the cache, temporary files, cookies and history will be stored in special Low version location as below:
==> Cache: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low
==> Temp: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low
==> Cookies: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\Low
==> History: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\Low
zaterdag 14 juni 2008
dinsdag 10 juni 2008
TOMTOM HD-Traffic & IQ Routes
Tomtom HD traffic stuurt elke 3 minuten de actuele info op alle snelwegen + alle secundaire N-wegen (RDS-TMC alleen van de snelwegen en minder vaak).
Tomtom krijgt File info komt binnen van:
- Ministerie van verkeer en waterstaten (via detectielussen) .
- VODAFONE via positioning van personen die met GSM bellen bellers op de Fiets en op trein worden door precieze lokalisering uitgesloten.
- mensen met HD-traffic navigatieSysteem.
Zodra u het Tomtom apparaat aanzet wordt een live verbinding gemaakt met het HD-traffic centrum (door midddel van de ingebouwde SIM-kaart voor data transfer) en krijgt u zo de actuele verkeersinfo te zien.
Tomtom IQ routes
(wordt al toegepast op de Tomtom GO 930/730
Dankzij de dat die anoniem verzamelt wordt door totom gebruikers en continu op het HD-traffic centrum binnen komt, kunnen exacte snelheden berekend worden. Hierdoor krijgen de apparaten die met IQ route zijn voorzien info binnen die zo bepalend is om de om de efficiente route te bereken en kan veschillen per werkdag en weekend.
maandag 9 juni 2008
Intels ’Nehalem’ 20 to 50% sneller dan Core 2
Goed nieuws voor wie wacht op de opvolger van Intels Core 2. Volgens de eerste benchmarks is de processor met codenaam Nehalem twintig tot vijftig procent sneller dan zijn voorganger. Het stroomverbruik ligt gemiddeld tien procent hoger.
Hardwaresite Anantech kreeg op de Computex-beurs in Taiwan de kans om een Nehalem-systeem uitgebreid te testen. De processor klokte gemiddeld af op 2,66 Ghz, heeft vier kernen en bezit de hyperthreading-technologie die we al van de Pentium 4 kennen. In vergelijking met een 2,66 Ghz Core-2 Quad is de Nehalem 28 procent sneller voor het coderen naar het DivX-filmformaat. Voor het omzetten naar H.264 is de processor 48 procent sneller.
Bij 3D-rendering met POV-Ray en 3ds Max is de chip respectievelijk 36 en 40 procent sneller. Enkel bij de test met Cinebench-R10 blijft het voordeel beperkt tot twee procent, al wordt hier de hyperthreading niet benut.
De resultaten zijn een opvolger zeker waardig, al moet benadrukt worden dat ze voorwaardelijk zijn zolang de Nehalem nog niet verkoopklaar is. De quadcore op het 45-nanometer platform wordt verwacht voor het vierde kwartaal van dit jaar.
E-mail @ Your Way
Do you use Yahoo!, Hotmail or AOL as your main e-mail program? If so, let me ask you this: have you ever switched over from Outlook Express to one of those because you thought it would be a better e-mail experience? If you answered yes, do you miss Outlook Express and all it had to offer? Okay, enough questions. If you said yes again, keep reading, because this is the tip for you!
If you would like to continue using your Yahoo!, Hotmail or AOL account, but prefer to use it with Outlook Express, there's good news, because you can do that! You can use both of the e-mail programs you're familiar with together to create your own e-mail heaven. Here's how:
The first thing you have to do is get your Web based Yahoo! account into a POP account so that Outlook Express can understand it. The best program for that is probably YPOPS. It's easy to use and you will be able to access all of your e-mail safely with it. You can download YPOPS here. Once you have it downloaded, get it up and running and then open Outlook Express. Go to Tools, Accounts, Add, Mail.
Now, type in the name you want to use and click Next. On the next screen, you'll want to enter your Yahoo! e-mail address and click Next again. Ensure that POP3 is selected under the section that says "My incoming server is a (blank) server" and enter in "localhost" under the part that says "Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server." Type in the same thing ("localhost") where it says "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" and then click Next.
On the following screen, type in your Yahoo! mail username under the "Account name" section. If you're not sure what your username is, it's just the beginning part of your e-mail address. Next, type in your Yahoo! mail password (whatever it may be). Click Next and then click Finish. Now, for the next part, highlight "localhost" in the Internet Accounts window and choose Properties. Then type "Yahoo! Mail" under Mail Account. That's it! Click OK and then click Close.
Your Yahoo! e-mail will then be brought in through Outlook Express and you can enjoy all the features. You can also go back to your YPOPS account and change some settings within that, such as your bulk mail folder, sent messages, deleted messages, etc. Just double click on the YPOPS icon and change whatever you want.
For your Hotmail account, you'll still need a POP program that OE can understand. For that, FreePOPs is recommended and you can download it here. Once that's done, go to the Start menu, All Programs and choose FreePOPs so that it will be open and ready. Next, open Outlook Express and go to Tools, Accounts, Add, Mail.
Next, type in the name you want to use and click Next. On the next screen, you'll want to enter your Hotmail e-mail address and click Next again. Ensure that POP3 is selected under the section that says "My incoming server is a (blank) server" and enter in "localhost" under the part that says "Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server." For the "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" section, type in your ISP's mail server. (That's usually the same server you have used before with any non-Hotmail account). Click Next when you're done.
Now, enter in your complete Hotmail e-mail address under the "Account name" area and type in your Hotmail password. Click Next and then click Finish. Now, go back and highlight the new Hotmail account you created under the Internet Accounts list and choose Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and enter "2000" into the "Server Port Numbers/Incoming mail (POP3)" section. Click OK and Close. You can now start receiving your Hotmail e-mail in Outlook Express and you can also go back to FreePOPs and change your settings to fit your preferences.
But the basics are that AOL allows any e-mail client that has IMAP support to send and receive e-mail. Well, it just so happens that Outlook Express is one of those programs.
So, open Outlook Express and go to Tools, Accounts, Add, Mail. Type in your name and click Next. Now, enter in your AOL e-mail address and click Next again. For the "My incoming mail server is" section, choose IMAP and under the "Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP) server" area, type "" (without the quotes). Now, in the "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" box, type ""
Next, under the "Account name" area, enter in your AOL screenname, which will be the beginning part of your e-mail address. Then type in your AOL password and click Next and then Finish. Under the Internet Accounts window, highlight "" and choose Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and enter "587" under "Server Port Numbers for Outgoing Mail (SMTP)."
Now, go on over to the IMAP tab and make sure the line that says "Store special folders on IMAP server" is unchecked. Click OK when you're done. Close that window out and choose Yes for the next option. That will then start the download of the AOL folders list into Outlook Express. Click OK when that's done and you're all set!
Keep in mind that your AOL e-mail will stay on the server, so you should go in and visit your regular AOL account every once in awhile, just to keep it cleared out. Other than that, you can go and enjoy your AOL e-mail while using Outlook Express.
vrijdag 6 juni 2008
Electricity from the exhaust pipe from motor vehicles
In an age of dwindling natural resources, energy-saving is the order of the day. However, many technical processes use less than one-third of the energy they employ. This is particularly true of automobiles, where two-thirds of the fuel is emitted unused in the form of heat. About 30 percent is lost through the engine block, and a further 30 to 35 percent as exhaust fumes. Scientists all over the world are developing ways of harnessing the unused waste heat from cars, machines and power stations, in order to lower their fuel consumption.
There is clearly a great need for thermoelectric generators, or TEGs for short. These devices convert heat into electrical energy by making use of a temperature gradient. The greater the temperature difference, the more current TEGs can produce. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM are developing thermoelectric materials, modules and systems to harness the residual heat in automobiles. “The temperatures in the exhaust pipe can reach 700 degrees Celsius or more,” says Dr. Harald Böttner, head of the Thermoelectric Systems department. “The temperature difference between the exhaust pipe and a pipe carrying engine cooling fluid can thus be several hundred degrees Celsius.” The thermoelectric converter makes use of this huge differential: Driven by the flow of heat between the hot exhaust fumes and the cold side of a coolant pipe, the charge carriers pass through special semiconductors, thus producing an electric current similar to a batterie. The long-term objective is to make the alternator superfluous and to supply energy to the constantly rising number of power consumers in the car. TEGs could cover a significant proportion of a car’s power requirements: “This would make it possible to cut gas consumption by between five and seven percent,” says Böttner.
A simple calculation will illustrate how important it is to increase the energy efficiency of cars: There are about 50 million licensed motor vehicles in Germany, each of which is – as a basis for an estimation – on the road for an average of 200 hours a year. If their waste heat was utilized by TEGs during that time, with an output of one kilowatt sufficient to power parts of vehicle electronics, this would add up to ten terawatt hours of energy per annum – a significant contribution. The researchers are still in the experimentation phase at present, but they plan to build the first prototypes very soon.